Mrs. Landry's Land of Learning

A place dedicated to learning for ALL students!

Helloooooo? Anyone out there? Five for Friday

on July 25, 2014

Howdy!  No your computer is not broken.  Yes you are seeing correctly.  I’m blogging.  Have you picked yourself up off the floor yet?  You have?  Good!  I wanted to kind of explain my absence and what I’ve been up to and decided to do that through Doodle Bugs Teaching’s weekly Five for Friday linky.  Warning- this will be a bunch of randomness.  But then again, that’s how my school year went so it seems appropriate… (click the title below to view other Five for Friday posts)


So my year was starting out pretty good.  Until it didn’t.  Family situation came up that put us in a bit of tailspin.  It was definitely interesting trying to get back on our feet and get school going.  But God is amazing and so is my family.  We pulled through.  So here I am holding Bert…

Yes Bert is a snake!  He lives with our reading specialist and he’s over 20 years old.  He’s a California King Snake, a type of constrictor and he came to visit to show us how snakes eat.  And I captured it on video.  Very interesting to watch.  But I won’t gross y’all out.  Needless to say the kiddos loved it!  We try to have him come every year.

Shortly after Bert came, my husband and I discovered something…

A new little Landry was on the way!  Thankfully, I was due at the end of the school year.  This being my second, I figured I had this handled.  But I had my first 5 years ago.  I forgot how exhausting pregnancy could be.  This little one quickly reminded me!  So I then had to drag myself to school despite bone-deep exhaustion and your other typical pregnancy symptoms.  But it was all worth it!

The year went on.  I felt as though I did not do as well with my stations like the year before.  I was on fire then!  This year, for some reason just seemed overwhelming.  But I managed to pull it together…

Here we have the 100th Day of School.  We had fun at our stations that day.  I truly did have stations going all year.  It just felt like harder work this time around.

I had to show this one off as it was my favorite bulletin board this year…

My team decided to do a theme for our whole hallway for Texas Public School Week- “Deep in the Heart of Texas”!  So we all had a verse from the song.  This was my line.  I was really pleased with how sharp this looked.  Thank goodness for my Cricut!

The school year continued without too much incident.  My kiddos and I, we took care of each other.  The last week of school was so hard physically.  You see, I was due the day AFTER school got out!  There was a lot of question as to whether or not I’d make it.  Well technically I did.  I ended up missing the last day due to a false alarm.  <insert really big sad face here> But I was already done.  Completely.  Including my room.  So it wasn’t too bad.  However, Baby Landry still took his time…

He came a week later!  Here is Mr. Landry along with our first holding the new addition.  Our little family is quite pleased with the new baby and we cannot get enough of him!  Needless to say, from that point on to right now, our lives have been a bit consumed by this tiny addition.  I’m only just now able to get a sort of routine down to attempt getting ready for this year.  And yes, I’m starting back with everyone else.  So I’m hoping that this next year is better in every way for me- personally and professionally.  I have truly missed working on this little blog of mine and I hope to give it lots more attention from now on.

Happy Teaching!

2 responses to “Helloooooo? Anyone out there? Five for Friday

  1. Sarah says:

    Love that Texas bulletin board! Super cute! I’m gearing up for a big giveaway on my blog on August 11 – come stop by so you don’t miss it!!
    Beyond The Gradebook

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